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ZDNetnews 更新时间:2009-04-28 09:15:20作者:CNET科技资讯网

本文关键词: Google Docs | PPT | Google | Gmail |

CNET科技资讯网4月28日国际报道 Gmail已经可以开启e-mail所夹带的PowerPoint文档与.TIFF图形文档。

Gmail原本从2007年起就可通过自家的阅览器来开启.PPT格式的文档。不过在新系统中,PPT会显示在近期更新过的PDF阅读器中(不需Adobe Flash,只需HTML即可),用户可放大缩小页面、打印、观看预览,并进行搜索。在某些文档中,用户也可直接把PPT档传到Google Docs里面。


另外值得一提的是,Google会自动把你已经看过的附件传送到Google Dcos帐号中,然后再发送一封email通知你可在Google Docs中修改。不过目前似乎不是每个人都有这种情况。这封e-mail通知书如下:

"You used Gmail's "Open as a Google document" link to view the attachment called "Overall CFI 04162009".

By doing this you saved an editable copy online at Google Docs: http://docs.google.com/XXXXX

Google Docs allows you to:

Create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, from anywhere you have Internet access.

Share documents with others, even collaborating on the same document at once, in real time.

Know that your documents are safe. Since your content is stored on Google's secure servers, even if something happens to your hard drive, your documents are protected.

You can always get back to Google Docs directly at http://docs.google.com

Thanks, The Google Docs Team"


  全新的Google PPT阅读器目前是跟PDF与Doc文件采用同一套(由Google Docs启动)





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