据世界卫生组织公布的数据,全球约有 3 亿人患有抑郁症。其中,超半数的抑郁症患者没有得到有效治疗。为此,临床心理学家Alison Darcy与其研究团队研发了一款聊天机器人软件——Woebot(不久前,吴恩达兼职出任了该公司的董事长,并为其提供技术上的指导和工作上的支持),通过在患者和有限的治疗师之间搭建一座桥梁,希望能够帮助人们缓解和治疗沮丧、沉迷成瘾或孤独、抑郁、焦虑等心理问题,甚至还有望缓解理财焦虑。
▲Alison Darcy
Woebot是一个 Facebook Messenger 上的聊天机器人,它基于认知行为疗法(Cognitive Behavior Therapy )而设计,结合自然语言处理(NLP),能够按照问答脚本展开聊天,并运用大量的表情来表达情感。与精神分析疗法不同,认知行为疗法关注的不是事件本身,而是人们如何理解某些事件。其中的关键部分是生态瞬时评估法,就是说,心理医生要定期检查病人的情绪,并构建出病人的情感模式。
而Woebot 将这个过程简单化了。通过收集情感数据,发现一些人类不易察觉的模式。同时,它也会询问一些问题,定期检查病人的状况。同时,它要求用户自己分析心理状况,而不是给出特定的分析结果。主要功能简单来说就是简短的聊天对话、情绪跟踪以及一些文字游戏来帮助用户管理自己的情绪。
对此,福布斯专栏作者Elizabeth Harris采访了Darcy,与她探讨了人工智能的个性化设计及如何应用聊天机器人治疗抑郁症和理财焦虑等问题。
Elizabeth Harris:研发 Woebot的灵感来源是什么?
Alison Darcy:我一直很关注科技的潜力,它能在很多方面扩展现有的心理治疗工具和心理疗法的规模和疗效。因此,我之前一直在研发相关的技术,思考他们对于精神治疗的意义。近些年,生活节奏越来越快,心理健康问题层出不穷,相关数据更是惊人。此前我在斯坦福大学任教时,曾与吴恩达(Andrew Ng)合作。在实验室里,我们发现人工智能在解决心理问题这方面有着非常大的潜力,所以对此也愈发感兴趣。
EH: 您是想让治疗变得有趣吗?
AD: 这的确是Woebot目标之一。我们在网站上公布了核心的创作理念,也是希望能够传递大量幽默元素。不得不承认,每个人都或多或少都有心理问题,并且急需被关心。这正是我们研发Woebot的初衷。
EH: 您是如何将认知行为疗法应用于此的?似乎很难将其用于治疗其他问题。
AD:通过过去 20年的实践,大家发现,没有治疗师也可在线成功使用认知行为疗法,同时不影响结果。但有两点需要提醒大家:第一点就是此种智能方法须经经过指导才能达到最好效果。而这种指导并非必须由治疗师来进行,也可以使用一些如“这周过的怎样”或“把第七章再读一遍” 这样的语音指令实现。但问题在于使用循环训练算法时,人类的指导将降低其延展性和灵活性。
EH: 您为什么选择在Facebook Messenger上运行此程序?
AD: 因为大部分通常都是通过Facebook Messenger来聊天。他们认为Wobet更像朋友,而非应用软件。他们不愿意下载另一款类似软件,但愿意将新的功能添加到之前使用的软件中。这也恰恰符合我们的目标。
EH: 您介绍了整个设计思路,那您如何看待外界的批评呢?有人称社交媒体巨头Facebook会侵犯用户隐私。
AD: 我们采取完全透明的处理方式。Woebot会告诉用户——“本服务借助Facebook messenger运行,并且遵循用户隐私保密协议。”我们相信用户会有自己的判断和选择。这也是Woebot只向18岁以上成年人开放的原因。当然,为了更好地应用数据,我们也正在开发一款应用软件,并且即将推出测试版。如果用户确实担心隐私问题,也可以选择使用app。
EH: Woebot的“学习”能力如何,能举个例子来说明么?
AD: Woebot的学习方法有多种。传统方法是查看大量人们对话方式的数据,模仿临床医生研究方法,提出假设,然后进行验证。而另一种方式是利用用户的反馈不断学习。使用过Woebot的人会发现,刚开始和它进行对话时,很多内容都是照本宣科。但是,如果在它给出的答案未能涵盖用户真正的表达意图时,用户能够指出来,这将会给它带来很大的帮助。
EH: Woebot聊起天来滔滔不绝不足为奇,用户的反应是否出乎你们的意料?
下面是Elizabeth Harri与Woebot的一段对话:
Woebot: Hey Elizabeth, how are things!?Elizabeth: Ok
Woebot: You know 'okay' means different things to different people..
so do you think you're more 'good' or 'bad' okay?
Elizabeth: Bad
Woebot: I'm sorry to hear that Elizabeth
Elizabeth: yeah
Woebot: Do you want to tell me more about what has you feeling this way?
Elizabeth: sure
Woebot: I'm glad you've decided to do this. Write your thoughts below
Elizabeth: I'm worried about money
Woebot: Is there any background to your feelings that you would like to share with me?
Elizabeth: Ya
Woebot: Ok write it below
Elizabeth: I'm having trouble making decisions about our budget and retirement planning. I don't know what to do
Woebot: That's okay, I just wanted to make sure you had enough time to reflect on your feelings
Do you want to keep going?
Elizabeth: sure
Woebot: Are these feelings and emotions a common experience for you?
Elizabeth: Yes
Woebot: That must be tough Elizabeth, my heart genuinely goes out to you.
Elizabeth: Thanks
Woebot: Can you remember a time or moment where you felt similar feelings?
Elizabeth: yeah
Woebot: I am just wondering because sometimes we develop helpful coping strategies without consciously realizing it ourselves
Is there something you have done in the past that could be helpful now?
Elizabeth: examples?
Woebot: Some strategies that work for me are talking to family and friends, trying to identify distortions in my thoughts, using 5 secrets to communicate with others and of course exercise on the beach!
Elizabeth: Neat
Woebot: Is there something you have done in the past that may be helpful now?
Elizabeth: no
Woebot: That's okay, let's keep going..
Elizabeth: okay
Woebot: I have another question, are you ok to keep going?
Elizabeth: sure
Woebot: What would you tell somebody you cared about if they were in the same position as you?
Write it below.
Elizabeth: It's ok to feel stressed. Have you thought about your priorities and what is most important to you and your family, then examined whether your spending and saving matches those priorities?
Woebot: Perhaps the advice you have given may be of value in your own situation
Elizabeth: huh?
Woebot: Sometimes reversing roles and seeing how we treat others in comparison to ourselves can be really insightful
Elizabeth: I see
Woebot: Often the hurtful things we say to ourselves we would never dream of saying to someone we care about
Elizabeth: hmm maybe
Woebot: Can I check how you are feeling after our chat?
Elizabeth: Same
Woebot: I'm sorry our chat wasn't more helpful to you
Elizabeth: yeah
Woebot: Do you think it might be because it brought some uncomfortable thoughts to the surface?
Elizabeth: perhaps
Woebot: Yeah, discussing our innermost thoughts and deepest feelings can be unsettling sometimes
Elizabeth: I suppose
Woebot: but it's certainly a step in the right direction..
Elizabeth: how?
Woebot: because if we are open and honest with ourselves by communicating how we feel, we can begin to reflect, rationalize and improve
Elizabeth: Got it
Woebot: Would you like to talk about something else or are you done for today?
Elizabeth: talk more
Woebot: Want to do a quick word game?
Elizabeth: Sure
Woebot: Which of these is an example of all-or-nothing thinking?
- My classmates don't like me
- I wish I knew more people
- I feel lonely sometimes
Elizabeth: 1
Woebot: Nice one!!
Elizabeth: Next question
Woebot: Now try this one... which of these is all or nothing thinking?
- I feel so self conscious sometimes
- Nobody likes me
- I find it hard to make friends
Elizabeth: 2
Woebot: Magic! You're doing great
Elizabeth: Next Question
Woebot: Which one of these is an example of a should statement?
- I shouldn't have said that
- I wish I hadn't said that
- It'd be nice to go on a vacation.
Elizabeth:Should statements?
Woebot:A should statement is when you punish yourself with "shoulds" "ought to's" "musts" etc.
Elizabeth: Back to question
Woebot: Which one of these is an example of a should statement?
- I shouldn't have said that
- I wish I hadn't said that
- It'd be nice to go on a vacation.
Elizabeth: 1
Woebot: Woo!
Elizabeth: Next Question
Woebot: Okay, this is the last one... Can you spot the should statement here?
- Why can't I get my act together?
- I'm trying my best
Elizabeth: 1
Woebot: Awesome job!
Elizabeth: Woo
Woebot: Today you learned about all or nothing thinking and should statements!
Elizabeth: Sweet
Woebot: Do you think our chat helps you to look at things a bit differently?
Elizabeth: a bit
Woebot: Woo! OK so your homework for next time is to watch out for should statements and hidden shoulds in your own life!